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Connect with Music

Praise Kids Choir May 19, 2019.jpg

Children's Choir

From 10:30 - 10:55 a.m. on Sunday mornings during the school year. This class is for K-5 students, and is held in the children's music room on the elementary Sunday school floor (level 3 from the elevator).  Children are invited to experience the joy of praising God with music using handbells and singing.

Church Choir

Adult Choir

Held in the Choir Loft. Gather with other members to share your love of music through singing.  The choir meets on Wednesday evening for rehearsals and Sunday morning before the 11:00 a.m. service.


Adult Bell Choir

The bell choir meets weekly on Wednesday evenings during the school year to play and rehearse music as an ensemble.  Performances are often during the traditional 11:00 a.m. service as part of a special event or music offering.


Praise Team

Adults and youth who sing or play an instrument may share those musical talents at The Offering, the 9:30 a.m . contemporary service. Rehearsals are 8:30 a.m. before Sunday service.

New Affirmation Statement.png

(573) 442-1164

Office Hours:

Monday through Friday

9:00 AM to 4:30 PM


16 Hitt Street
Columbia, MO 65201

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Earth Care Congregation

©2024 by First Presbyterian Church of Columbia, Missouri

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