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Disciples Making a Difference

Located on Hitt Street at the top of Cherry Street in downtown Columbia, Missouri, near the University of Missouri and neighbor to
Uprise Bakery and the Ragtag Cinema.

Our Mission: Disciples making a difference by Embracing all people,
Engaging all neighborhoods, Empowering lives, and Encouraging each other.

Worship God

Nurture Faith

Serve Neighbors

Serve with us in 2025!

During the months of December through February, Saturday Cafe takes place in our church! Using the buttons below, you can sign up to help, learn more about how we are involved in local missions, or see what's happening in and around our church on the Event Calendar!

FPC  Sanctuary

Sunday School for all ages @ 9:30 am
Sunday Morning Worship @ 10:30 am

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FPC Pride meets 

on the Second Thursday

at 7pm in the Chez

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Did you miss a service?

Want to hear that sermon or

song one more time?

Check out our YouTube channel!

The "Live" section has all of the videos

for our recorded worship services.

Church Wide Dinner & Movie 
Friday, February 7th 5:00 -7:30pm

Children & Youth Mission Projects
Friday, February 7th 12:30-4:30pm

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