Dear friends,
I wanted to touch base with you about Sunday worship. As of now, both the 9:30 and 11:00 services are on for Sunday, March 15. That said, there are several groups of people who should not attend Sunday worship:
If you are exhibiting flu-like symptoms, do not attend worship. Call your doctor, and call us so that we can lift you up in prayer.
If you are over the age of 70, we discourage you from attending worship.
If you have a chronic or underlying health condition (heart disease, lung disease, diabetes, etc.), we discourage you from attending worship.
If your immune system is compromised for any reason, do not attend worship.
We will live-stream both services on Facebook. Find us at Fpccolumbia. Sermons are uploaded to our website every Monday. You can hear them at
You can also support the church's mission and ministry by giving online. Go to or download the Give+ app for your Android smartphone or your iPhone. Now if you do join us for worship, here's what to expect: Pastor Marvin is going to preach on John 4, Jesus's encounter with the Samaritan woman at the well. The praise band has a great set of songs for 9:30, and the choir and organist will lead us in singing "I Love to Tell the Story," and "Here I Am, Lord" at 11:00. We are receiving new members at the 9:30 service.
Extra hand sanitizer is deployed throughout the church. Please use it when you arrive and before you depart.
Know that our custodians have been hard at work cleaning and disinfecting door knobs and surfaces all week.
We encourage you to disperse throughout the worship space. We are adding chairs in the Ramsey Center to help make this possible. Increasing the distance between us will reduce the risk of infection.
We will not pass The Peace at the 11:00 AM service.
We will not pass offering baskets at 9:30 or plates at 11:00. At The Offering, the baskets will be on the communion table, and you'll be invited to come forward and place your offerings and prayer requests in them. At 11:00, the plates will be on a small table at the end of the center aisle.
We are taking these measures to decrease social interaction in order to reduce the Coronavirus's ability to spread and overwhelm our medical system with sick people. We will keep you updated as the situation warrants.
Thanks for reading this long post. Now I have one task for you to do. Think of five people you know who do not need to face this pandemic alone. Contact them now; see if they need anything, and tell them you are praying for them. That's how we're going to get through this, by looking to God for help, and looking out for each other.
Grace and Peace to you,
Marvin Lindsay, Senior Pastor